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How I get work-life balance right!

I am mother, author, edupreneur, seeker, and I love both work and life so much that they balance themselves within me, with a nod from the Higher Force!

by Megha Bajaj
Work Life balance by megha bajaj

Before we talk about work-life balance, let me tell you about –

I know every bit of her. I will know if she gets one little pink boil on the back of her little foot. How many times she has pooped, how much she has eaten, whether she drank enough water or not. I am literally cued into it all – with my ten-month-old baby girl Athyasaa. 

At the same time, I do yoga for an hour, meditate, and manage my journey as an author, an edupreneur, an author-mentor, and a film writer. I am involved in three different teams and four different verticals, doing what I can to give my best to them all. In every interview, I am asked, “How do you manage the work-life balance?”

And honestly, today I am also pausing with all of you and reading the answer along the way. How is so much happening? 

Role model

The first answer is clear to me. I am growing up with a guru named Mahatria, and I watch him at age 60 do so much: travel continents, speak nonstop for hours on stage, be a great family man, and run an organization. So, the first answer is that everything I do is possible because I already have someone showing me what is possible in a human life. That is where my first credit would go.

My second would go to yoga. I have adopted it as a way of life, and that one hour of feeling the body and mind dissolve into one another releases so much stress and leaves me feeling so replenished with energy that I can physically keep moving without feeling the weight of my body. I once read somewhere that we are not a body with energy but an energy with a body. I try my best to live this, and when you start seeing yourself as a fluid flow of energy; honestly, a lot more becomes possible than identifying yourself with the gross body.

The third winner is meditation. I have always believed that every answer you seek in the world outside is already present within. We simply must quieten our minds enough to hear the whispers of the Universe. A lot of mental clutter, unnecessary thinking, and emotional drainage gets done within my time in solitude with Silence. My appointment with God is how I see my meditative time; I don’t miss this for anything.

Staying true to my purpose

Doing away with borrowed desires – another huge time and energy drainer — is the fourth. In this world of social media, at any given time, someone is winning an award, someone is on holiday, or someone is having a romantic moment… imagine if , by reading all this, I start processing everything – why not me? I will be left with a hundred desires (not mine) and no purpose. One conscious decision I made very early in my life that is helping me immensely is that I stay true to myself and my journey without getting too excited or depressed by what is happening in the world outside. 

Each of us is sent here to be ourselves, and there will always be someone richer, better, more good-looking, and so on – and I don’t want to be running behind all that. I have a clear vision of what I want to do – and how I want to empower youth into the right way of thinking and living, and I wake up and do what I must. It is important for me to know where my work-life balance lies.

Delegation is a part of the Big Five for me. I am so much with Athaysaa and yet I get free time as throughout the day all of us at home have divided ourselves so that she gets quality time in the mornings with her father, in the late afternoons with her grandads, and the evenings are exclusively mine as I take her through various experiences – sometimes a book store, other times a garden, sometimes to a sea face and other times for playdates. I love being with her, and I also love doing other things. We have a nanny and helpers, and I am happy to delegate things that I know I cannot do, guilt-free. And there are huge chunks that I will never delegate because I know she needs me.

The final and sixth one, I think, that’s helped me find my work-life balance is staying happy, grounded, and peaceful. Sounds simplistic? But I believe we all have complicated the inner world too much. The simple rule I follow is that if a thought is not giving me peace, I won’t allow it to keep running in my head. I do not let my thoughts or emotions trespass all over me – rather, I choose what is good for me and my home and keep choosing the Higher and better. Of course, sometimes I fail miserably – but I often stay afloat, and I realize taming the mind is much like a physical workout. You train long enough, and the muscles build up and give you strength and stamina.

As I wrote all this, a beautiful story I read recently in a group is played out in my mind.

When reminded of Krishna’s role in helping Arjuna succeed in piercing the eye of the fish while looking at its reflection in the water, something within me paused and I felt deeply humbled. I realized that while I got some of it right, a Higher Force allows me to do all I want.

With Krishna on your side

On the eve of the Matsya Vedh (Piercing Fish Eye) competition in the epic Mahabharata, Krishna advises Arjuna.

Krishna: Arjuna, take care, put your step forward, and concentrate on the eye of the fish.

Arjuna: What will you do if I have to do everything?

Krishna (in a very soft tone): What you can’t do, I will do.

Arjuna: And what is it that I can’t do?

KrishnaI will keep the water steady.

Something within me paused and felt deeply humbled. I realized that while I have got some of it right, a higher force allows me to do all that I want.

I somehow feel this is my one chance to experience Life. It is my one chance to watch my daughter turn eleven months in a week, my one chance to impact the world, my one chance to visit a new country and find stories known and unknown, and my one chance to gift me with a body that will allow me to do it all. 

When love stops being limited to a person and expands for life itself – you find a way to make all that love and do it to your best capacity.

How do I manage work-life balance? I love both so much that they somehow find a way to balance themselves within me – and the Higher Force enables it to be so. Are you living it up to your one chance… as you?!  

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Ramya October 24, 2024 - 11:35 am

Just so amazing. So insightful. Thank you for sharing

Rajeev Hallur October 12, 2024 - 11:55 am

Beautiful insights. Delegation to me was a big realization. As we grow higher it is necessary to delegate some routine work, although we seem to enjoy those. Give up is necessary to grow up.

Megha October 14, 2024 - 6:55 am

Thanks much Rajeev!

Megha Bajaj October 15, 2024 - 3:06 am

So glad you connected

Naina Advani October 11, 2024 - 12:00 pm

I urge every person to read this. It created such a feeling of WOW within me!

Megha Bajaj October 15, 2024 - 3:07 am

I’m so glad you felt what I did.

Priyanka Chadchan October 8, 2024 - 5:51 am

Love reading every bit of this piece. Thank you Megha Bajaj, I read your thoughts very often on various platforms and they are thought-provoking.

Megha Bajaj October 15, 2024 - 3:07 am

Many thanks

Ridhi October 8, 2024 - 4:22 am

Wow. Well written. I loved the krishna and arjuna part in it.

Megha October 10, 2024 - 3:21 am

Thank you so much!

Nidhi October 7, 2024 - 2:45 pm

Beautiful piece! Loved it!

Megha October 10, 2024 - 3:21 am

Thank you so much!
