Thousands came from far and near to New York to attend Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj’s programs stressing human unity, inner wisdom, and the transformational power of meditation.
With mental health emerging as a major issue, particularly after Covid, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj chose the topic “Peace through Detoxing the Mind” for his talk on Long Island on May 21.
Addressing people at the Amityville, NY center of his Science of Spirituality (SOS) organization, the spiritual master and author spoke about the importance of learning to let go of habits and emotions that do not support a healthy lifestyle. He emphasized how meditation can help clear out these ‘toxins’ so we can enjoy a life with less stress, experience a greater sense of joy and purpose, and be able to connect with our inner selves.
Dwelling on the intersection between meditation and mental health, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji emphasized that meditation could play a significant role in bringing peace, balance, and calmness to our lives. Not only can meditation help first responders such as police, firefighters, and medical practitioners deal with stress, but it can also give students important tools to improve their concentration and lead more balanced lives. Meditation can also impact the lives of veterans who have served their country with honor but now suffer from PTSD.
He has authored the Amazon bestselling book, Detox the Mind, which contains tips, meditations, and exercises to reduce daily stress and find joy within, and Meditation as Medication for the Soul, with research by experts and medical practitioners on how meditation improves physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.
On May 20, the master delighted the Indian community by giving a talk in Hindi (of course, all his talks are also made available in English and Spanish). In his Hindi talk, he stressed that we are given human life with a chance to evolve spiritually.

The evening also saw the release of Abode of Light, a translation by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji of the mystical poetry of award-winning poet, Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj. This treasured book was translated into English from the original Urdu so that modern readers and posterity could discover the roadmap to experiencing peace and joy. Guests present at the event included Inderpal Singh Dhall, chairman of the Guru Gobind Singh Sikh Center in Plainview, NY, and Maulana Syed Rehan Naqvi, resident scholar at the Shah-E-Najaf Islamic Center in Brentwood, NY
People came from throughout the US, Canada, and parts of Europe to attend his programs stressing human unity, inner wisdom, and the transformational power of meditation. The Amityville center overflowed as almost 2,000 devotees came to hear and see him. They filled the huge sanctuary, spilling out into the center grounds where video monitors carried the programs.
Before leaving New York, the master was invited into City Hall to meet with Mayor Eric Adams who presented him a special citation for his commitment to fostering peace and interfaith harmony while inspiring diverse people worldwide on their paths to spiritual growth. He in turn presented the Mayor with a signed copy of his book, Detox the Mind. Dilip Chauhan, Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs in Mayor Adams’ administration, lauded Sant ji for “his invaluable service to humanity and his universal message of peace, unity, and compassion that is making a tangible difference in our lives.”
Sant Rajinder Singh Ji has made the teachings of Science of Spirituality (SOS) available to everyone, everywhere, helping people meet the challenges of the times for over 30 years. With his headquarters in Lisle, Illinois, he travels throughout the world giving talks and teaching meditation on the inner Light and Sound. He has been honored by many heads of state, and civic and religious leaders for his work toward peace through spirituality.
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