Happiness is a personal journey, nurtured from within through self-awareness and conscious choices. An intense exploration.
Life initially consumed me with questions, seeking to understand the whys behind our existence, actions, and circumstances. This curiosity drove me to explore various philosophies and theories.
Then I understood the crux: “Happiness—‘It’s on me.’” It is each one’s personal journey. Rather than relying on external circumstances and people beyond my control, I took up the responsibility to create and nurture happiness within myself.
It’s on me,
rather than understanding others, I started understanding myself. With this self-awareness the “Me” in “Me” started watching “Me” all the time and allowed me to make conscious choices that aligned with my desires, values, and emotions.
It’s on me,
to cultivate a positive mindset to focus on good in any given situation. This shift reinforced my ability to maintain happiness regardless of external circumstances.
It’s on me,
to protect my emotional well-being by setting boundaries, and saying no to things that conflicted with my values. Owning my emotions, I began to recognize my reactions and interpretations shape my well-being. It added depth to my happiness.
It’s on me,
to make self-care practices like gratitude and non-doing a non-negotiable part of my routine. It empowered me with inner control and stability.
It’s on me,
not in the things I hold and see, but in the core of being free, by accepting the unknown, embracing uncertainty, and trusting the process of life. This freedom played a pivotal part in my happiness.
It’s on me,
to nurture love in relationships with gentle grace. The love and gratitude exchanged became a source of immense joy and support. Happiness flourished.
It’s on me,
to get committed to living a life so full with the right intentions and vibrant that its essence lingers long after we are gone. The decision not to fade away through this intentionality brought a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness.
It’s on me,
to recognize that happiness is not dependent on external factors like success, shopping, holidaying, pursuing a passion, finding purpose, and material possessions. It stems from within, and this became a turning point in my journey.
It’s on me,
to understand that the purpose of life is to create and not to consume. What really makes me happy is when I am useful or create something that is useful to others. I started doing small, helpful acts every day for others and experienced a life that mattered. Knowing I was contributing to something larger than myself, “Happiness became Me”.
I searched the whole world near and far, I chased every question and dream, and I wished on a star to find answers. But my insatiable curiosity got an answer only from within: “Happiness is on me”. Taking ownership of it transformed my life.
“And Happiness became Me”.
This articulation is now a personal treasure chest filled with jewels of self-discovery, which I will unlock from within and reflect on when I need reminders to become a better version of myself.
Illustration: Navni Chawla
You are a power house ! You play so many roles and you excel at all of them! Super women exist ! And one of them is you!
Deepa, so well written. A true inspiration. The focus on “ME” is priceless.
Life will be very easy if I realise everything is on me and only me! Very beautifully written!! Thank you so much Deepa Gulabani!
Every human born are never made to set his life goals. by any parents and teacher .
Set these three goals .
1-live a ling life
2- live a healthy life
3- live a happy life .
If these goals are in each house wall, life of human race will change . You will see peace and prosperity .