Lotus panelists state that India’s diverse heritage has been contributing to wellness, culture, and technology, defining its global impact.
Building on a solid base of multifaceted legacy, Indians’ emphasis on education, family values, and adaptability underpins their success in technology, medicine, and the arts. Renowned tech leaders like Sundar Pichai and Satya Nadella exemplify India’s innovative spirit, while its rich cultural traditions—a myriad of festivals to Bollywood—are vowing the world.
Read on for the final part of comments from eminent people Lotus invited in the US and India.
Lesser known contributions of Dravidian India
~ Narayani Ganesh
Dravidian India’s contributions to spirituality and wisdom have certain distinctive features evident in Sangam literature, the Bhakti movement, and the richness of the world’s oldest language, Tamil, and its scriptures, some of which date back to pre-Vedic times. Among the more famous women bhakti saints is Avvaiyar, who propitiated Kartik, the tribal god, called Murugan in Tamil. Her compositions overflow with devotion and deep insights. Both Vaishnav and Shaivite schools have 12 Alvars and 63 Nayanars respectively. Woman Alvar saint Andal, whose love for and devotion to Vishnu so moved him that he appeared before her and took her hand. Her beautiful composition is called the Thiruppavai, sung one stanza a day during the Margazhi month, which falls between December and January.

The Thiruvenpavai is a collection of verses composed by Manikavachagar, praising Shiva.Besides the Vaishnava and Shaivite schools, many others co-existed, including pantheism, atheism, the Agama traditions, tribal faiths, and others. There was also a strong Jain presence evident till today. The ecology of Tamil Nadu played a pivotal role in the way people here thought, acted, and lived out their beliefs and lives. Kurinji, the mountain region; Mullai, the pastoral region; Marutham, riverine valleys; Neydhal, coastal areas; and Palai, degraded land, all had their part to play in the way literature was created, culture evolved, and faiths played out.
Religion formed just one set of beliefs. People lived their daily lives intuitively through another set of beliefs, or rather, a fundamental orientation to the world around them. This included a way of relating to their environment and people, a respect for ancestors, a view of the inseparability of humankind from all living beings, and a sense of the impact of the cosmos on their lives, says Deborah Thiagarajan, writing on the Tamil cultural and spiritual landscape. What we have now come to call sustainable living. This is a valuable contribution to world culture, spirituality, and civilization.
Narayani Ganesh was editor of The Speaking Tree and Sacred Space, two popular columns in The Times of India, as well as The Speaking Tree Sunday section of the leading newspaper of India.
The sacred fragrance of Indian wisdom
~ Neha Lohia

INdia, a land whose very name invites an INward journey, offers more than just geographical splendor; it extends an invitation to explore the depths of the inner self. This ancient civilization, known for birthing Buddhas, gods, and goddesses, has consistently produced solutions that transcend time, blending science, spirituality, and psychology in ways that resonate deeply with the human soul.
India’s true innovations come from an inner wisdom beyond superficial understanding. It is not merely a land of external achievements but one deeply rooted in the heart, operating on faith and trust.
As a civilization, India thrives on the synergy between inner exploration and outer expression, a testament to the power of integrating the spiritual with the practical. It inspires the world, offering a unique blend of spiritual insight and modern innovation.
My perspective on India’s civilizational wisdom is shaped by my journey from Delhi to Mumbai, with roots in Rajasthan and a life now in New York. As a filmmaker and storyteller, I have witnessed the profound impact of India’s wisdom on the world. India’s matriarchal roots, where women are revered as goddesses, contrast sharply with many other cultures. This recognition of the divine feminine has shaped a society where women’s wisdom and strength are cherished and celebrated.
India’s advancements in technology, medicine, and architecture are not just achievements but reflections of a civilization light years ahead of its time. Our architectural marvels, such as intricate temples and grand forts, testify to a culture that mastered both science and spirituality.
As the birthplace of numerous rishis, munis, and living masters, India is a world guru guiding millions toward enlightenment. Ayurveda, yoga, and meditation, which the West has only now begun to explore, scratch just the surface of India’s vast knowledge systems.
India is more than a country; it is a feeling, a fragrance that I carry in my heart wherever I go. Through my work, I strive to share the gifts of this land with the world, offering a glimpse into a way of life that has the potential to elevate global consciousness.
Neha Lohia is a creative visionary in filmmaking and conscious entrepreneurship. With long experience in advertising, Hollywood, and Bollywood, her work, including the movie Yashodhara: The Buddha’s Wife, empowers women and inspires global audiences. She lives in New York City.
A force for the good in the world
~ Saket Bhatia
Indians excel globally due to their strong emphasis on education, family values, and adaptability. Education is paramount, and it drives them to pursue and excel in advanced studies. Strong family support provides stability and encourages individuals to take risks and innovate. India’s multicultural society promotes adaptability, allowing Indians to thrive in different environments and contribute positively.
Indians are making landmark contributions in the tech sector through innovation and development.

Corporate leaders like Sundar Pichai and Satya Nadella, CEOs of Google and Microsoft respectively, have scaled their organizations to new heights and continue transforming the technology industry with their visionary leadership and capability. Other esteemed CEOs such as Arvind Krishna of IBM and Shantanu Narayen of Adobe are pivotal in advancing technologies that touch and interact with daily life. Hundreds of thousands of other Indian technologists and entrepreneurs are pioneering trends in artificial intelligence, IT, education and healthcare by driving startups and innovating.
Indians have also made significant contributions globally in medicine, academia, arts, and humanities. At Novartis, CEO Vasant Narasimhan aims to discover new ways to improve and extend people’s lives. Nobel laureate Amartya Sen has influenced economics and social sciences.
In sports, India dominates in cricket and competes in the top echelons of badminton, field hockey, wrestling, and chess. In arts, Indians, at home or abroad, have made a major contribution in movies, music and literature. Ravi Shankar and A.R. Rahman have introduced Indian music to the global audience. Bollywood, with its vibrant movies, has captivated audiences worldwide, promoting Indian culture and entertainment.
The Indian lifestyle continues to positively impact through its emphasis on wellness and spirituality. Yoga and meditation have received worldwide recognition, and their benefits in promoting mental and physical well-being are well-documented. India’s rich culinary history, acknowledged for its flavors and spices, is reshaping global cuisine. Indian festivals such as Diwali and Holi have become calendar events in many countries, fostering cross-cultural appreciation and understanding.
Indians’ contributions in almost all spheres of modern life highlight their diversity and impact in shaping global advancement and fostering cultural enrichment.
Saket Bhatia has a PhD in Electrical Engineering and founded two companies. Based in the Bay Area, he also has a PhD in Astrology and Numerology and sits on the Board of the International Association of Vedic Astrology and Numerology.
Balanced approach to solve humanity’s problems
~ Nidhi Bhasin

As I reflect on the current state of global affairs, I am reminded of Charles Dickens’ quote that “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times…”. We have entered an era of conflicts which has resulted in supply chain disruptions, forced displacement of population, etc. Global climate change has aggravated, leading to food security issues. Violence against underprivileged women and children has also increased.
We can take guidance and inspiration from ancient Indian scriptures and philosophy, which teaches balance between science (for advancement of human race), spirituality (for growth of the soul), good governance (for overall prosperity of nation and equality in justice) and might (for protecting citizens from external attacks by an ethical military).
While we should not dwell in the past, we must apply the lessons learnt from India’s ancient tradition and apply them in the present to avoid past pitfalls.
I firmly believe that humanity needs to, now more than ever, drop their conceptions of old wrongs done to them, make peace with their enemies and live in harmony. This planet is facing an external threat, which is bigger than wars going on now, and that is the climate change crisis. Humanity needs to unite to face this issue together, else this planet will soon run out of food and water and will see massive ecological disasters, which will then displace millions of people resulting in increased social evils. Technology needs to be used as an enabler to fight climate change, to improve regenerative farming and increase farm yields, to enable underprivileged to skill and create financially sustainable livelihoods, and to help all sections access equitable justice.
Creating a world through nonviolence would be India’s greatest export and contribution to saving humanity from wars and miseries.
CEO of the NASSCOM (National Association of Software and Service Companies) Foundation, Nidhi Bhasin is a social development sector professional based in New Delhi.
Also read: https://alotusinthemud.com/indias-spiritual-legacy-is-a-beacon-of-hope-to-the-world/
~ With inputs from Raji Menon Prakash and Navni Chawla; designed by Priti Thakur.
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