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You can make miracles happen. Here is how!

by Megha Bajaj
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Instead of praying for miracles, we can attract miracles. Strive intelligently to attain your heart’s desire, do your best, and have faith that Higher Intelligence will do the rest.  

I don’t know why I have had a fascination for miracles right from the time I was a child. Growing up in a joint family we constantly had guests from all over the world, of all shapes and sizes, ages, and cultures living in our house. Sometimes I used to feel our home was more of a retreat than a home.

I used to love the post-dinner time when we would sit with guests and talk about this and that. Even as a child, one of my first questions to people would be – have you ever experienced a miracle? Have you ever seen something out of the ordinary? And I would delight in their stories. Almost everyone had some story to tell. Someone dreamt of something, and it came true. Another was given some guidance in a mystical way, and their life changed forever.

Among those, one of my favorites is the one my dad would tell me. It was early days for computers in India and he was among the first few engineers to have a very complex machine at his workspace. He had taken up some big orders based on this computer. However, there seemed to be some error that could only be cracked by a missing code. Dad worked day and night to correct the mistake, but he just couldn’t. It was the last evening for his assignment and if he didn’t crack the code, he would face a big monetary loss as well as embarrassment. Determined “I won’t let go”, he went out and bought himself a bhel snack from a street-side vendor, which was wrapped in paper. Back to his computer, he munched on the snack. When he was about to crumple the paper and throw it in the bin, his eye caught something. That soiled paper was from an engineering book, and that exact page contained the code that Dad was seeking!

Whenever Dad would tell me about this incident his eyes would light up and I would feel excited.

Later, as I grew into a seeker, my spiritual Master Mahatria explained a simple formula for creating miracles in one’s life. This is how it goes:

My intelligent effort + Energy of my source of faith + My faith in that energy = Miracles are possible

Using dad’s example, I could clearly understand how this formula had worked for him. Dad had given his best to crack the code. He hadn’t waited for something to happen. First, he had played his part by ensuring intelligent efforts were there. He had faith that since he had done his best, the Higher Intelligence would do the rest. His faith made the Higher Intelligence work for him and that’s how the entire task got completed.

Miracles in relationships

Whenever something isn’t going the way we want it, we need to look at the formula given above, and we will realize one of the above may be missing. Either the effort is not there, or the faith is not there. With both present, life becomes a beautiful garden of miracles with one springing up every now and then.

Using relationships as an example, I would love to validate this formula further for you (and yes, reiterate it for myself). In my life, there is an intimate relationship that I believed could be much better. But somehow no matter what I did, it never seemed enough to her. I really wished for more peace and happiness in this relationship. Here is what I did…

First, I recognized that it begins with me. Am I getting my part of the formula right by putting in intelligent effort? So, from expressing a lot more to expecting a lot less, from appreciating a lot more to criticizing a lot less, I have been consciously taking many positive steps and actions in that direction for a few months now.

I did see small changes, but no big ones – and honestly, that can sometimes make one lose heart. But this is where the faith part comes in handy. Faith is your anchor. Your belief in something you can’t see yet. And holding onto it, I was able to sustain the positive efforts. I was able to keep walking. Faith held me, as I held faith.

Just a few weeks ago, the miracle did happen. Someone who never says sorry, said sorry because she knew she had crossed the line. Someone who never tried to see things from my perspective had begun putting herself in my shoes. And recently we met for dinner, and it was actually magical. We laughed, had a meaningful discussion and no drama unfolded as it usually did. I felt gratified, and excited to see my miracle. My ardent wish became a concrete reality.

I realize that the spiraling effects of our daily positive actions keep growing and suddenly all those small, seemingly mundane steps result in something that looks miraculous. Humongous. Almost unbelievable.

I am constantly seeing a lot of miracles in my own life. Some small, some that altered life as I knew it forever. In each case – it was a superb amalgamation of putting in all my efforts and having faith. Instead of praying for miracles, it is my humble belief that each of us can attract miracles…

The more you tune into the idea, the aspiration, the love for miracles – the more you draw them to you. From simply finding that parking spot on a crowded street, to landing your dream job; from experiencing bliss of love in a relationship you had given up all hopes on, to your path crossing that of a person who is just what you needed at the time. Miracles are all around us.

The creator created us to create. Let’s use this magic bestowed upon us wisely, and compassionately and create miracles in our lives and that of others.

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1 comment

Priyanka July 12, 2023 - 8:10 am

Incredible! Loved this as always Megha Bajaj.
