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The secret of getting close to the guru

by Megha Bajaj
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The secret of getting close to the guru
I have begun to realize that one of the easiest ways to feel close to the guru is not by beholding him just through the eyes but through the heart.

Like many seekers, I too wanted to feel close to my guru. Since I came into my spiritual path at a fairly young age – and didn’t have too many preconceived notions about religion or God, it was easy to make him the most important presence in my life. It was easy  to make him the sun and revolve my entire life around him. I was foolish and naïve but he must have felt a sense of responsibility for this curly-haired, crazy bundle of emotions of a seeker.

Having experienced calls, emails, messages, and one-to-one meetings with him – the person started becoming even more important than the presence. There was possessiveness. There were intense emotions. There was a feeling of disappointment when a certain expectation was not met. Something very divine was being brought to a human realm. And in all of it, I was beginning to lose my peace of mind, and to be honest, a piece of me.

Slowly and steadily, the master took over and  began to cut the physical ties, one at a time, while deepening the spiritual ones. I couldn’t experience the person, but I could feel the presence linger on. The voice outside of me slowly started becoming the voice within me. The expectations started turning towards myself and my growth. The messenger remained sacred – but for the first time, the messages too started getting adhered to.

And what a shift I saw! It wasn’t easy – but it was right.

In time, I began to realize that one of the easiest ways to feel close to the guru is not by beholding him just through the eyes but through the heart.

In a moment where there was peace, I felt close to him.

In a moment where there was love, I felt close to him.

In a moment where there was bliss, I felt close to him.

As these realizations grew, I realized one of the easiest ways to feel close to the guru is by feeling close to his mission.

If his mission is to ensure the world is a more peaceful place to live in – by gifting peace to a few more, I felt close to Him.

If his mission is to ensure there is more love in each home, at each work space, in the world at large – by loving someone a little more, I felt close to Him.

If his mission is to spread the fragrance of bliss,  the happier I started becoming and the more happiness I started spreading, the closer I felt to him.

I used to feel that the hug he would give us all at the end of all programs and satsangs was everything. One hug and everything else ceased.

Yet, recently post a deep experience, I actually felt, with or without the hug he is mine and I his. There was so much completeness, so much closeness, in what was – that the hug actually seemed redundant.

Something I wrote some time ago, which exactly captures all that I am trying to say:

You promised me,
you would hold my hand,
but when I try to reach out to you,
I can’t feel you,
And yet strangely,
I do feel,

You promised me,
you would watch a sunrise,
with me,
but when I try to turn around,
I can’t see you,
And yet surprisingly,
I do feel,

You promised me,
you would talk very often,
with me,
but when I try to listen,
I can’t hear you,
And yet surprisingly,
I do feel,
Spoken to.

So beautiful is this relationship,
It’s there, and yet not there,
it makes me smile,
and makes me weep,
I have no clue where you are
At this very moment of time,
I don’t own you,
And yet you are… so mine.

Photo courtesy Pexels

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1 comment

Dr. Bijal Maroo September 22, 2023 - 1:02 am

I loved the poem you have penned. The warmth of your love for your guru resonates so well.
