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Home » Mother’s Day blessings from Guruji Sri Sri Poonam ji

Mother’s Day blessings from Guruji Sri Sri Poonam ji

by Team@Lotus
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Sri Sri Sri Guruji Poonamji
You don’t have to be in a female body to be loving and compassionate. Go inwards and awaken the Divine Mother to become a perfect channel of compassion for the world.

As a gift of understanding, Sarva Loka Maa H.H. Sri Sri Sri Guruji Poonamji responds to devotees’ questions about the significance of Mother’s Day.

Q: Om Guruji, what does it mean to be a mother?

A mother is the pinnacle of compassion.  She is an individual who can sacrifice her own life for the love of her children.  It’s not that other people cannot, but most often if the decision must be made, the mother will sacrifice herself for the betterment of her children.  Once motherhood is attained, that individual’s thinking and brain capacity expand.  The mother, carrying a child for nine months, automatically experiences a change to becoming that person who thinks of the child first and herself second. Though some individuals differ, and not everybody is the same, the general rule is that a mother holds her children as the center of her world.

Q: How can I be a good mom?


Every energy in this world is born through a mother. If a tree is born, it is from the seeds of the mother tree, and that goes for all the plants.  If any plant is born, it’s born from a mother plant.  If an animal is born, it’s from a mother; a human is born through the mother, too.  

Mother Earth gives us everything to sustain our lives, and Mother Sea ensures we have enough water. All the elements around us are essentially derived from other elements first. It’s not the father moon; it’s the mother moon, mother earth, and mother sea.

True nurturing and complete giving come from a mother, and it’s not necessary to be in a woman’s body to be a mother or to give birth to a child to feel that attachment. Everyone can be a mother. Every aspect of this earth is free to choose and experience this energy of wonderment.

mothers day Sri Sri Sri Guruji Poonamji

Mother’s Day blessing from Guruji Poonamji

I offer unending love to all the people of this world, encouraging them to go inward and connect to the true Mother that lives inside each of us.

Mother’s Day is on May 12

The ultimate enlightenment, or moksha, is the eureka of realizing you are the mother, a flawless and perfect channel of compassion. When your inner vision opens to the realization that it is only in giving that you can become complete, that is the day you will have taken your first step toward completion.

The process of being complete is the total understanding that we are but a process of a chain of events that we come to this world to uphold the giving.  Physical mothers get the first opportunity to play this role out of this world’s numerous beings.  Mother’s Day is a multi-compounded day that reminds us of what we can achieve if we surrender to the mother within us.

Q: Om Guruji.  So, how can we honor Divine Mother on Mother’s Day?

On the physical, the bonding, the joy, the celebration of being a mother, of keeping that energy of the mother on planet earth, is given to the physical mothers.  It’s truly a day to celebrate the great bonding and the tireless work of mothers who give birth and raise children, to enjoy the highs and the lows of being a busy mother in a modern-day world.  When you look upon your children, you’ll see their bright, happy faces and experience the joy it brings you for work well done.  I think of a mother as beautiful as my Guru, His Holiness Sri Sri Sri 1008 Babaji Sevanandaji Maharaj.  

A physical mother who has given birth to you still falls into the entrapment of having expectations from you, of demanding love and respect from you, but your divine mother, The Guru, just relentlessly gives.  My divine mother was in the body of a male.  No female could in any way compare with my Guru for the love that he showered upon everyone. He was a mother extraordinaire.

My physical mother was beautiful, loving, caring, and giving, but disciplining and teaching fell to her a lot, which takes different forms in people. With a physical mother, there are still reactions.  With the Divine Mother, there’s just happiness because the love that comes with each lesson must be understood with the heart.  This doesn’t mean physical mothers are any less because there is no comparison. Physical mothers do their duty as beautiful, loving, compassionate mothers available to you to maneuver every malady of life.  Divine Mother is there to illuminate the pathway to the heights of your own giving.

About Guruji Poonamji

Divine Mother Sarva Lokaa Maa Sri Sri Sri Guruji Poonamji was born and raised in India and comes from a highly spiritual family with a history of healing. She is a direct descendant of the Sikh Gurus on her maternal side and from the royal lineage on her paternal side. Her spiritual lineage descends from Baba Neem Karoli Maharaj, who was widely known as ‘The Healing Saint of Northern India’.

Sri Sri Sri Guruji Poonamji

According to her official profile, Guruji could see and transform energies From an early age. She studied in India and England, completing her MA and MBA. She has worked with leading scientists in the Himalayas on the healing properties of pure essential oils and conducted groundbreaking experiments with flower and crystals/gem elixirs in Australia for over 18 years.

Guruji has founded Divine Bliss International and is based in Florida.

With a naturally gifted ability to shift, balance, and reconstruct energies at all levels, she has developed a specialized system of rebalancing energies to assist individuals in releasing disease or pain from their physical, mental, and astral bodies.

She aims to mentally, intellectually, and logically guide seekers to understand life in its totality so they can lead more fulfilling, abundant, and purposeful lives.

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