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Home » How to keep Christ in Christmas

How to keep Christ in Christmas

by Mathew Joys
Why keep Christ in Christmas
As Christmas becomes increasingly secular and commercial, the most counter-cultural thing you can do is to make this season an opportunity to increase your spiritual sensitivity. 

Christmas is the most celebrated event during this festive season all around the world when we experience the magic, spectacle, and spirit of the holiday as we embark on an enchanted journey through the history and traditions of this holiday. In New York particularly we see the most spectacular displays in the heart of Manhattan telling the inspired stories behind them.
For people, undoubtedly, there’s a hectic activity for weeks, to tie up loose ends at work, and then shop for gifts, attend parties, and stress over visiting relatives. Despite our streets and shops being replete with awesome decorations, Christmas worldwide has become increasingly secular.

The celebrations are also getting commercialized even as we say, “Jesus is the reason for the season”. Christ is usually forgotten, and Christian or not, all enjoy and celebrate Christmas.

Yet, in my view, the most counter-cultural thing you can do is to make this season an opportunity to increase your spiritual sensitivity. 
The Ancient Church held to their common conviction that “for our salvation, Jesus came down from heaven.” The Bible enlightens us with an obvious but profound and compelling thought that the eternal Word of God took human form.

He was a Jew, part of a small village community. Like other humans, he too felt hunger and fatigue, he too felt anger and was moved to compassion. He had a mother and disciples. His name was Jesus.

Most Christian churches hold Carol Services, visiting people’s homes, singing the joy of Christmas with a dancing Christmas Father and joyful Carol music. Everywhere we see a festive explosion of twinkling lights, sky-high Christmas trees, and holiday activities.

Most Christian churches hold Carol Services, visiting people’s homes, singing the joy of Christmas with a dancing Christmas Father and joyful Carol music. Everywhere we see a festive explosion of twinkling lights, sky-high Christmas trees, and holiday activities.
I remember how a few years back I went with my office colleagues for Christmas caroling to a nearby nursing home. Dressed up in festive costumes, we toured the facility while singing Christmas carols such as ‘Silent Night’, ‘Angels We Have Heard on High’, and ‘O Holy Night’. Our hearts were full of tenderness and joy for entertaining the residents of the nursing home. 
Keeping Christ in Christmas means daily revelation of the character, love, and spirit of Christ that dwells in you. You can allow his traits to shine through your actions that impact others. Contemplate the Jesus who loved, wept, healed, joked, and lived a life fully in sync with the Father.
Here are a few simple ways to keep Christ the central focus of your life in this Christmas season.

  • Let us prayerfully consider all our relationships and make things right with the people around us.
  • Christmas is a time of giving, donating, and sharing. Let us spread some joy this year by donating to the needy. Packed foods and items with a long shelf life are always needed by food banks. It is an incredible way to demonstrate kindness during these holidays.
  • You may like to give to a charity that alleviates the greatest amount of poverty for each dollar spent. All people everywhere are equal in the sight of God. Instead of lavishly spending too much on decorations, fireworks, etc., we could help rehabilitate some poor and homeless brethren. God will appreciate that loving- kindness. 
  • Perhaps, we need to reappropriate the importance and symbolism of Christmas. At Christmastime, Christmas stars are shining at its apex everywhere. It is bright and shining high in the sky reflecting the radiance of the glory of the Son of God (Hebrews 1:3). Christ is the ultimate revelation of the Holy Father, Son and Holy Spirit as one. There is no greater light to the world than the Son of God himself.

During Christmas, there is no person or undertaking that better expresses the glory of God than Jesus Christ. So, let us share that love and happiness with other human beings around us.

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CG Daniel December 22, 2023 - 11:00 pm

The article of the selected Christmas songs that appeared on the ‘LOTUS IN THE MUD’ is appropriate in this Christmas season. Like the lotus, Jesus is rooted to the earth, fully human, he exists above the mud of this world.
Merry Christmas.

Tara shajan December 20, 2023 - 11:17 am

Thank you Mr Joy for this beautiful article the right time. In current time Christmas is so much commercialized that the forget the Christ and the real story behind it. Thank you

PC Mathew December 19, 2023 - 3:38 am

Nice article. Appreciate the Author Dr. Mathew Joys.

Emmanuel Joshy December 18, 2023 - 10:43 pm

I appreciate your perspective on the importance of keeping Christ at the center of Christmas celebrations. It seems like Dr. Mathew Joyce’s insights align with sentiments, emphasizing the significance of faith in truly appreciating this Christmas Festive Season. where I live in Melbourne Australia, I got a concern about the removal of the word “Christmas” in writings and Christmas cards to change into ‘Make Merry’, forced my few government councils to accommodate inclusivity. It is a mockery to Christ and Christian faith.
Well done Dr. Mathew Joyce!!! Keep the good work!.

Thomas Varghese December 18, 2023 - 10:39 pm

Agreeing 100% with your good proposals. Well written Congrats Joyce …..
