‘Money does not grow on trees’ is what is drilled into us starting from childhood, mainly by our own families.
There are more myths that gain currency as we are told over and over again:
- We have less because others have more… Really?
- If we are materialistic, we can’t be spiritual… Really?
- The rich are the root of all evil… Really?
- If we are not successful, we are not worthy… Really?
- If we have more, others will have less… Really?
But do you think reality is something outside of us, solidified, dictating the rules of the game, and we either get it right or wrong? Or is reality simply an exact reflection of our individually held beliefs being mirrored right back at us? These are the questions Mike Dooley, The New York Times bestselling author of ‘Infinite Possibilities’, poses rhetorically while recommending Money Does Grow on Trees by Esra BOgut.
“My dear friend Esra has written the book of books to help readers
understand the truth about money and the freedom it can bring to those
who learn how to manifest it,” Dooley writes.
Esra writes from experience. Not too long ago the Turkish-born was a hard-working shoe salesgirl who, in her own words, “despised money” and all that it represented. The self-made millionaire who now wants to help the reader make millions too, confesses, “It is kind of ironic that what limited me and what I despised the most, money, ended up being my access point to realizing how powerful each of us are in creating our own realities. We are like mini-gods in action all the time, whether we realize it or not.”

The only things standing in our way are our own self-created limitations. Esra spells it all out in her 2021 book, Money Does Grow on Trees: The Myths We Create and Live By. Abundance is a matter of choice for each of us. People choose it or reject it based on what they have come to believe about money.
The book teaches you:
• How to cultivate your Prosperity consciousness
• Seeing how YOU are the one setting up your own limitations
• Finding the inner power to CHOOSE out of the old reality and into the new
• Realizing (tangibly) the powerful creator you already ARE
Esra is part of the next generation of prosperity leaders, as is Rhonda Byrne of The Secret fame, standing on the shoulders of Law of Attraction and manifestation experts.
Esra tells her story through the stories — both successes and failures — from her own life and examples from clients she worked with over a decade.
As a life coach and certified instructor of kundalini yoga, Esra has helped people discover their power to live the life they choose. Along with her husband and transformational coach Aykut “Ike” Ogut, she pioneered transformational coaching in Turkey. They now live in Los Angeles and Kauai in Hawaii.
Foreword for Esra’s book has been written by Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, Kundalini Yoga instructor in Los Angeles and the pioneer of prenatal yoga. Says she, “Esra Banguoglu Ogut is a mystic so ancient in wisdom and yet so young at heart. I feel her here in her ‘Earth self’ as well as the other Esra who lives in another place full of light and life, and she shares how we can all do it. In this book, she is just standing by the reader’s side, saying, ‘You can do it. I know you can. Let’s get going!’”
(Lead Photo courtesy: Vitality Living College)